Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gatsby 3 Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Gatsby 3 Essay, Research Paper # 65279 ; The Man Behind Jay Gatsby In the Novel The Great Gatsby, non many people truly knew the adult male known as Jay Gatsby. When he was rich and powerful, he was the adult male you # 8220 ; want to know. # 8221 ; But when he was dead, life went on without him. It seemed as if cipher cared that he was the adult male behind the parties and all the good times. He was dead and cipher mourned. This shows that the sentiment of the great Jay Gatsby changed by the terminal of the narrative. He was an icon of non merely every adult male # 8217 ; s image of the American Dream, but he was besides apart of Americanism and the American Experience. He was seen as the richest and luckiest adult male during his clip. Unlike any of the other characters in the novel, Jay Gatsby does non alter during the class of the narrative. He as a individual might non hold changed, but the manner that people perceived him surely became different. When he was alive and good, he was the perfect thought of the American Dream. He had more money than he knew what to make with. He could afford to hold oversized parties every weekend. Jay Gatsby was the individual to cognize when it came to the Eggs. In the beginning, he was merely known as Jay Gatz. He was a hapless male child in the ground forces. He merely had his appeal to acquire him by. This is how he meets Daisy. She was a really rich miss, from a affluent household. They were in love from the beginning. Unfortunately, Daisy believed that # 8220 ; rich misss don # 8217 ; t get married hapless boys. # 8221 ; From that minute on, Jay Gatz wanted one thing ; to acquire rich so he could demo Daisy that a hapless male child could acquire rich. This compulsion ate up the existent adult male indoors. Jay Gatz became Jay Gatsby. This new adult male wanted to go the American Dream at an early age. He did what of all time he could to acquire his money. One of the more enigmatic things about Jay Gatsby is where did he come from and where did he acquire his money? Cipher other than Daisy truly knows where he came from. When people were speaking at one of Gatsby # 8217 ; s first parties, cipher could truly state where he was from. They all said different topographic points. When it comes to Gatsby # 8217 ; s luck ; that is another mystery all together. When Nick asked about his luck he foremost said, # 8220 ; I inherited a good sum of money from my parents. # 8221 ; Then when Gatsby mentioned, # 8220 ; I was in the drug shop concern and the stock market, but I am in neither of these any more, # 8221 ; Nick caught him in one of his prevarications. Gatsby has gotten good plenty to acquire himself out of state of affairss like this 1. He simply told Nick that he worked after the # 8220 ; great crash. # 8221 ; This tells us that he tried a few ways to acquire rich, but he makes it sounds they neer worked. It can merely be speculated on as to what concern he is into now or even how he came into his wealth, but we can be certain that he wanted to maintain it to himself. It was this defence mechanism that, in the terminal, destroyed him. Jay Gatsby had kept his concern life such a secret that he couldn # 8217 ; t allow anyone acquire near adequate to him to larn what he was up to. It was rather obvious that he did non like this solitariness, but he cognize it came with all the wealth that he had. He did non desire to be entirely any longer. He now felt it was clip to face Daisy with his feelings for her. He set up the tea party so they could run into. In a manner, Gatsby uses Nick to acquire the opportunity to run into with Daisy. It seems that Nick does non truly seem to mind all that much. Gatsby and Daisy continue to run into and they become closer and closer. Gatsby begins to experience like he can by endorse the yesteryear. Then when Daisy can # 8217 ; t admit that she does non love Tom any longer, Gatsby # 8217 ; s false sense of security falls through. He now begins to see that we can by the hereafter, but no sum of money can # 8220 ; purchase the past. # 8221 ; It is this defect that makes him a tragic character. It is the fact that he believed in Americanism a little excessively much, made it easy to destruct him in the terminal. Peoples came to his house and # 8220 ; conducted themselves like they were at an amusement park. # 8221 ; But after Gatsby dies, cipher seems to care about him. We truly see Gatsby # 8217 ; s true friends, even though Nick isn # 8217 ; T truly considered to be Jay # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; friend # 8221 ; , but he is more of an perceiver of the Gatsby # 8217 ; s ruin. The adult male behind Jay Gatsby was nil more than a adult male who lived a shallow life, for a shallow intent. It seemed that the people of the East and West Eggs neer missed him. This adult male is a true representation of the American Experience. He flaunted what he had all the manner until the terminal and he is neer missed by anyone. He neer truly used his luck for anything truly productive. In many ways he is a batch like Donald Trump. Donald Trump had a batch of money and power, but he neer truly did anything productive with it other than feeding his greed. That is the sort of adult male that Gatsby was. He is selfish and merely wanted one thing from life and that was to populate merrily of all time after with Daisy. After everything was said and done, Daisy neer showed up to his funeral. This makes Gatsby # 8217 ; s whole being seem worthless. When Donald Trump is long gone, it seems that life will travel on as normally. Like Gatsby, they will merely name it # 8220 ; an terminal of an era. # 8221 ;

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